Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Back at home

I finished up my 2 day chemo for the second set scheduled. Everything was a great success. I go back again next Monday for more chemo at the day hospital. The week after that I hope to get a bone scan done so we can see if I've made any progress. Till then I'm back at home relaxing.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Chemo session 2

Today I checked into the hospital for my second set of chemo. I anticipate being here for one night. I should go home tomorrow. If no other surprises come up.

Friday, January 27, 2012

More hair loss

Thank you

I came home from the hospital to find a package from Elina's USC MBA team... Team ETG. It's was filled with the essentials. Soft blanket and slippers. Calming tea to relax me. Movie tickets and Starbucks coffee card. Most touching was the letters from each person expressing their support and love for Elina and me. Thank you so much Rachel, Jim, Tim, Anty, Vivian, Perry, Kevin, Huy, Holli and little Sora.


I'm home again. It's so nice to be back in my comfortable surroundings. I just ate my double double. Now I need to prep to take a shower. I'll be in heaven soon.

Positive news from USC

This cancer needs to go away. I have bigger and better things to do.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My strength

Holly back

So we've poked some holes in my back and tapped into my kidneys. This will drain my kidney better and will release the pressure that's been building up. This should also help with pain. Here's a pic of what my back looks like.

Hair loss

Here's the first set of hair loss pics.

Another night

So I'm back in a hospital bed. Man are these uncomfortable. Plus I have a procedure in the morning and can't drink. I'm dying of thirst. Where's my Persian nurse with my pain meds?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I am going back in

I came in for a routine Dr. appointment and in return am being admitted to the hospital. My kidney function is not what it needs to be.

Last three days

I got home from the hospital on Sunday evening. I've been in bed resting ever since. Also I have pain on my side that won't quit.

One thing I have noticed in the last 24 hours is that I'm loosing my hair. I need to plan a head shaving party. Richie, Raffi, Nima, Omar you want to come to the party?

I'm in Glendale today for a Dr appointment. Hope it ends quick.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Free at last

I was released out of the hospital today. So glad. I'm going to my parents house in Brea.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Taking my machine for a walk

I'll be in the hospital another night. I haven't slept last night and am very tired. They're trying to get my home medication to work for me. In the meantime I'm going to go walk my machine.

One friend, one gift, thousands of memories

Today my friend Nima went beyond my expectation again. I don't think I can ever match his level of commitment in our friendship but I hope one day I come close.

Nima, seeing you is a bigger gift than anything you could ever buy me. Thanks for being my friend.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Date night at Keck Hospital of USC

I woke up excited that I would be going home. Soon after breakfast I have another pain spasm and require my happy pill... AKA Dilaudid! Dr tells me I'll need to spend yet another night at the hospital. They said my temperature is still high and they can't identify the cause. I'll tell you why. I'm hot stuff. But in all reality this is a good thing since I'm still having trouble managing my pain.

So I guess it's Friday night ...date night with my beautiful fiancé.

Heaven in a little tube

Naturally it's 4:30am and I'm in pain again. The nurse is bringing me another shot of heaven in a little tube. Soon I will dream of fluffy bunnies and marshmallow clouds.

The doctor will see you now

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Another night at USC

My stay at the hospital has been extended. The Dr wanted to make sure my fever stayed away for a full day. This is best since it also lets me come up to speed with the higher dosage medicine they prescribed (I think). I guess only time will tell

I have a staph infection now.

My fiancé visiting me on a beautiful Thursday morning in downtown LA.

Another 2 night stay at USCs fine hospital

I had an appointment for a single shot of neulasta. I wasn't feeling well at all prior to my visit. I came in on the 17th to find out I have a fever. I get admitted. Tonight is my second night. In one way this is great because it lets me explain to them my pain and have them adjust my pain medication. So far my fever has gone down so I assume I'll be let out tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This really hurts.

I don't get any sleep at night. I'm urinating every 5 min. It's keeping me awake all night. At times I force my urination since I have this sensation to go. Big mistake. It causes me to bleed and curl into a ball of pain. Then I find myself screaming at myself and let's just say its not a positive step forward.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Chemo day 2

So it's Monday the 16th. I went in for my chemo day 2. Thought it was gonna be 3 hours or so. Ended up in the hospital for 10 hours. I'm glad I turned some family members and friends away from coming to hang with me. There was no room for everyone. Elina sat at my bed or went outside.

I'm home now. The pain is still there. I see no sleep in sight. I envy you if you're in bed asleep.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

What do we do now?

After my meeting I was admitted to the hospital where I spend 2 nights and went through my first set of chemo. The plan is to have me go through 6 phases of chemo. About 4-5 months worth. My doctors are giving me 3 different types of chemo. The plan and the hope is that aggressive cancer will respond to aggressive chemo. Periodically they will scan my bones again to look for changes. Change is good. If nothing changes then they will change the treatment.

What went wrong?

I had an appointment on Jan 9 with my oncologist and surgeon to discuss the details of the surgery. I completed a bone scan prior to this meeting to help speed things along. It was just routine procedure. The results show that the cancer has spread to my bones. This means no surgery until my bones are 100% cancer free.

So what was the plan?

The plan was simple. Everything we read, everyone we spoke to said bladder cancer has a high success rate. They would remove my bladder and prostate. Use my colon to create a new bladder and hook up my kidney's and the rest of the plumbing.

I have what?

If some of you did not know I've had bladder issues for a while. I started seeing a doctor in late 2010. After a year of going back and forth with the doctors I find out that I have bladder cancer. I was told a couple of days before X-mas when I went to see my Dr to find out the result of my latest biopsy. My Dr. recommends a Dr at USC.

What is this all about?

If you've been directed to this page then that means you somehow know me and have heard about my condition. I decided to create this blog after a friends recommendation since I was getting a bit overwhelmed from all the emails and phone calls. I intend to use this blog to keep you up to date on my bladder cancer and any changes that occur. This is the latest information I have. Please feel free to send comments.